Creating a great home starts with purchasing the right property. No doubt you have a vision for that ideal place, complete with expansive views, or tucked back into the forest; but there is much more to consider. Will the land you purchase adequately suit your needs? Is it going to be everything you dreamed, or will you find out later it really wasn’t suited to your plans? Whether you want to preserve your piece of North Idaho or develop a productive and resilient homestead, we bring into play the know-how and experienced eye necessary to help you to find property that will really fit your project. By focusing on the vital criteria for your land purchase, or uncovering the potential of your existing property, we can help you make your home and property all you’ve dreamed it could be.

It’s a difficult process to line up the right property for your needs, wants, and budget, especially with the intention to be more sustainable and resilient. How big? How far from or close to town? How does access to the property change with the seasons? How will access be maintained and what will it cost? How will water and electricity be sourced? Do you want to be connected to the grid, start on-grid and plan to supplement or transition later, or be off-grid? Are you longing to preserve the environment with minimal impact, or do you want to transform your property into a sustainable homestead, complete with systems for producing food and other necessities? What is your budget, and how do you want to approach the overall development of your property? Whether preservationist or homesteader, the environment around your home is critical.

We have years of experience with hundreds of homes on many different pieces of property: large to small, urban to remote. We take that experience and, guided by your vision, develop land purchase criteria that is functional as well as aesthetically pleasing, looking at all aspects of how you will use your property. It’s our job to help you think about things you might not have thought of before, especially if this is your first time buying undeveloped land. Things like the most effective and lowest-maintenance way to develop access to your home, where and when does water move through or over the land and how will that affect home sighting and construction or access points, how geographic orientation of the land affects home energy bills and whether you can grow a good garden or develop an orchard, and the list goes on . . .

Whether we create a short list that defines your buying criteria or analyze property with you during site visits, we will help you make the most of your purchase. Call us today so we can talk about your project and decide if our free 2-hour consultation is right for you.